
Empowering Humanity From Within!

Dr. Mitzi Collins
Dr. Mitzi Collins

Dr. Mitzi is A True Healer & Energy Therapist. She can assist you to increase & balance your energy, heal your body, and become empowered with...

~ Unlimited Love
~ Spiritual Synthesis &
~Focused EnergyWork

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Copyright © 2024 and Dr. Mitzi Collins   Johnson City, TN 37601

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The website and Dr. Mitzi Collins make no guarantees concerning the results that any participant, student or client may experience from any of the services offered by and Dr. Mitzi Collins. If you choose to participate in any of our services (including, but not limited to Classes, Workshops, Counseling, Energy Balancing Sessions and/or Energy Healing Sessions) you understand and agree that your results are directly proportionate to your energetic frequency levels, your level of focus on the materials or processes, your mindset, and your attitude concerning these modalities. Dr. Mitzi Collins makes no medical diagnosis at any time, for any reason, concerning any individual. We suggest that you contact your natural health practitioner, if you have any concerns about your health.