My Story Began in 1986

My Special Mission
Shortly after the birth of my third child, an experience occurred in which I was intuitively informed that I came here during this particular period in human history because I am a Healer. I was told that I should prepare myself because my healing skills would soon be needed.
That night my own instantaneous healing occurred, resulting in the return of my physical eyesight. That extraordinary experience sent me on a dedicated search for answers and enlightenment that changed the course and meaning of my life.
Since then, I have earned a non-traditional Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Science and a traditional degree in Philosophy and Religious Studies. I am also a Certified Holistic Life Coach and Holistic Practitioner. As a natural healer, I’m constantly working to perfect my EnergyWork techniques. It has been my honor to have performed successful EnergyWork on many children, adults and animals.
Once an individual’s vibratory frequencies are cleansed, cleared & balanced, their minds, bodies and emotions are prepared for healing to begin. On occasion, I offer classes, workshops and retreats for those who desire to pursue the excitement and joys of developing their own super powers. Along with sharing my knowledge and skills, I provide a great deal of love, encouragement and support during our time together.
I have dedicated my life to helping those who truly desire to become happy, healthy, prosperous, and protected, as they explore their truth and tap into their own unique super powers!
How Can I Perform EnergyWork on More Than One Person at A Time During Group Sessions?
Energy knows no boundaries. Distance, time and space are of no concern when it comes to working with energy.
As a True Healer and Natural Energy Therapist, I have never taken any classes or courses concerning Energy, Energy Therapy or Healing. I have no human spiritual teachers. As strange as it may sound, I have been taught, intuitively by Source, with the assistance of my Spirit Guides. They have guided and instructed me concerning the extremely complex nature of energy, spirituality and the “human condition.” I am extremely grateful for the extensive information and immense wisdom I have received from them over the years.
My work is concentrated to balance, repair, restore and activate the minds, bodies and energies of children, adults and animals. My ultimate goal is to properly prepare beings to express love, to accept love, to generate healing, and to create more joyful life experiences.
Being an Intuitive and having always been able to “see” and “feel” the energy systems of all living entities, I easily focus, tune into and connect with each being’s subtle energies. I am intuitively guided through every session on the most effective means to “positively influence” each being’s energy, according to their particular needs.
So, as you can see, I have a great deal of “ethereal assistance” while teaching, counseling and performing EnergyWork! It’s much like “Prayer on Steroids”! That’s why I’m never limited to working on one being at a time or in one location at a time.