Energy Balancing
You’ll Be Pleasantly Surprised At How Much Better You Feel!
Are you feeling sluggish, tired, out of sorts or just wanting to increase your energetic frequencies? You’ll love this experience!
You can become refreshed, renewed and re-energized in 30 minutes or less.
Click here to schedule your private Energy Balancing Session.
NOTE: Limited Private Sessions Available.

Natural Energy Balancing…
What Is It & What To Expect?

While your energy doesn’t exactly resemble the image you see, it serves as a helpful representation of how your energies are positioned in and around your body. Fortunately, you don’t need to have any prior knowledge of these energies for them to be properly balanced. The process is natural and intuitive, requiring nothing more from you than an open mind and willingness to receive. Once you schedule your session, you will receive an email with detailed instructions to help you prepare for an exciting and transformative experience.
It’s important to understand that my approach to EnergyWork is unique. I am a True Healer and a Natural Energy Therapist—not someone who learned these methods through traditional human teachings. Instead, these are my innate abilities and I’m constantly guided by Source, to refine and perfect them. My knowledge of energetic systems is pure, deeply intuitive, and highly regarded, allowing me to perform this work with precision and success. Each session is carefully tailored to the individual, ensuring that the proper procedures are applied in alignment with what is needed for their highest good.
As your session begins, powerful and protective shields will envelop both you and me. These shields are essential, as they neutralize and deflect any potential internal or external interferences, ensuring a pure and uninterrupted energetic experience. Once you are in a relaxed state, my Higher Self will establish a connection with your Higher Self. As my focus deepens, I will begin receiving information and energetic transmissions specifically meant for you. A steady flow of pure, positive energy will move down through my body, to my hands and into your energy system, initiating the cleansing, clearing, and balancing of your aura (the energy field surrounding your body).
Once your aura has been fully harmonized, I will continue the process by working on each of your seven main chakras, methodically cleansing, clearing, and balancing them one by one. This ensures that your entire energetic system is restored to its optimal state, leaving you feeling lighter, more aligned, and deeply renewed. When the process is complete, I will gently guide you back to normal consciousness, allowing you to fully integrate your transformational experience.
Because Energy Balancing is an extremely intimate, powerful, and precise practice, I strongly encourage you to seek only highly qualified and experienced practitioners when exploring any form of energy work. True EnergyWork requires skills (that have been refined and developed over many years of experience), integrity, and deep energetic understanding—qualities that ensure the most profound and lasting benefits for your mind, body, and spirit.
Group Energy Balancing Session or Group Energy Healing Session
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Energy Balancing Session at 6:00 pm (Eastern) Click Here To Register $19.99
Energy Healing Session at 7:30 pm (Eastern) $39.99
- Benefits of Having Your Energies Cleansed, Cleared & Balanced
- Balances Your Energy and Positively Affects Your Life
- Opens Access To Your Intuitive Awareness
- Decalcifies Your Pineal Gland
- Facilitates the Healing of Your Mind, Body & Heart
- Increases Your Vibratory Frequencies
- You'll Feel More Alive, Active and Energetic
- Increases Your Desire to Connect with Our Living Planet
- Clarifies Your Connection with the Cosmos
- Prepares You for Ascension
How Is It Possible For Me To Perform Such Precise EnergyWork On Multiple Beings, Simultaneously?
Energy knows no boundaries. Distance, time, and space are of no concern when it comes to working with energy. This universal truth has guided my path as a True Healer and Natural Energy Therapist…and what an amazing journey it has been! Unlike others in my field, I have never taken formal classes or courses on Energy, Energy Therapy, or Healing. My knowledge does not come from human teachers but from a Higher Source. As strange as it may sound, I have been instructed by Infinite Intelligence, every step of the way. This Infinite Intelligence has revealed to me the intricate and profound nature of energy, spirituality, and the “human condition.” This wisdom has been an immeasurable gift, for which I am eternally grateful.
My work focuses on balancing, repairing, restoring, and activating the minds, bodies, and energies of both, children and adults. Each being carries within them the potential for love, healing, and joy, and my purpose is to help unlock and nurture that potential. By aligning energies, I prepare individuals to express and accept love, generate healing, and create fulfilling life experiences.
As an Intuitive, I “see” and “feel” the energy systems of all living beings. This unique ability allows me to effortlessly tune into each individual’s subtle energies. Guided by Infinite Intelligence, I am led to the most effective methods to positively influence my client’s energies, addressing their specific needs with precision and care.
What makes my work truly extraordinary is the profound level of ethereal assistance I receive while teaching, counseling, and performing EnergyWork. It is much like “Prayer on Steroids.” This divine connection allows me to work beyond the limitations of location or physical presence. Whether assisting one client or many, in one place or across great distances, this powerful, divine energy flows unimpeded, bringing transformation and renewal wherever needed.
Through my journey, I have witnessed the boundless powers of energies and the incredible shifts they bring to those who are ready to embrace their own power and energies. My mission is to share these gifts, empowering others to step into their own abilities and experience the joy, love, and balance that is their birthright.
NOTE: Private Sessions are now being booked for April.
If you require Emergency Private Healing, please click here.
Choose Your Private Session
Energy Balancing Session ~ Energy Healing Session ~ Emergency Healing Session
These Experiences Are So Vivid, Facinating and Powerful, You’ll Think Dr. Mitzi Is In The Same Room With You!
Dr. Mitzi will guide you to select and prepare the perfect environment for our EnergyWork sessions. You’ll be amazed at the positive, energetic changes that take place in your body, mind and emotions as she works with you.
She has been performing EnergyWork on individuals and groups for more than 30 years. So, you can rest assured that you are in the best of hands during your session.
Dr. Mitzi is available by appointment and through scheduled Zoom calls or Distance EnergyWork, only. Appointments are scheduled on a first-come basis. However, there are a limited number of openings for private sessions.
Copyright © 2025 and Dr. Mitzi Collins Johnson City, TN 37601
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This Number Is For Current and Prospective Students and Clients ONLY!
The website and Dr. Mitzi Collins make no guarantees concerning the results that any participant, student or client may experience from any of the services offered by and Dr. Mitzi Collins. If you choose to participate in any of our services (including, but not limited to Classes, Workshops, Counseling, Energy Balancing Sessions and/or Energy Healing Sessions) you understand and agree that your results are directly proportionate to your energetic frequency levels, your level of focus on the materials or processes, your mindset, and your attitude concerning these modalities. Dr. Mitzi Collins makes no medical diagnosis at any time, for any reason, concerning any individual. We suggest that you contact your natural health practitioner, if you have any concerns about your health.