Like To Receive Healing Energy From A True Healer?
She loves working with her clients to bring about their complete and permanent healing.
What Is Energy Healing and What To Expect?
Dr. Mitzi is a True Healer, Energy Therapist, and Spiritual Teacher. Her knowledge of healing, energy, and spirituality comes directly from Source—whether you call it the Universe, Creator, God, Goddess, or another name. Unlike others in her field, she has no human spiritual teachers. While she holds a nontraditional Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Science and a traditional degree in Philosophy and Religious Studies, her deepest understanding of spirituality is continuously and directly imparted to her by Source. She pursued formal degrees only to obtain the credentials necessary to practice her spiritual work freely, despite multiple attempts by certain organizations to hinder her—none of which have succeeded.
For over thirty years, Dr. Mitzi has consciously set aside her ego, allowing Source to move and work through her. Whether she is healing, offering energy therapy, teaching, or counseling, she serves as a pure conduit for Infinite Intelligence. Through this connection, she helps clients heal mentally, emotionally, and physically while also expanding their spiritual awareness and comprehension.
Dr. Mitzi works by focusing her mind intensely on the energies in and around her client’s body. As she maintains this deep concentration, energy begins to flow through her and into her client—regardless of their physical location. Her ability to work on energy is not limited by time, space or distance. Whether healing a single individual in her physical presence or working with a large group remotely, she is equally effective because ENERGY KNOWS NO DISTANCE OR BOUNDARIES!
For those scheduling a private Zoom session, Dr. Mitzi will follow up with several important emails containing guidance to help clients prepare, ensuring their comfort and openness to receiving the energies. These steps contribute to a successful and memorable experience.
If you opt for a distance or group session, Dr. Mitzi may request a recent photo beforehand. A simple snapshot from your phone or other device is sufficient, as long as your face and eyes are clearly visible. This allows her to visualize you more clearly during your session. However, it’s important to note that during the session, Dr. Mitzi does not perceive the physical body—only your energetic systems.
(Note: Your photo, personal information, and all correspondence with Dr. Mitzi are kept strictly confidential.)
Each person’s experience during a session is unique. Dr. Mitzi loves to hear about the sensations, insights, and transformations you experience, so she encourages you to follow up with her afterward. She looks forward to hearing about your journey!
Enjoy your session!
Supporting Your Ascension Process…Offering Help & Hope!
NOTE: A limited number of Private Sessions are now being booked.
If you require Emergency Private Healing, please click here.
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Copyright © 2025 and Dr. Mitzi Collins Johnson City, TN 37601
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This Number Is For Current and Prospective Students and Clients ONLY!
The website and Dr. Mitzi Collins make no guarantees concerning the results that any participant, student or client may experience from any of the services offered by and Dr. Mitzi Collins. If you choose to participate in any of our services (including, but not limited to Classes, Workshops, Counseling, Energy Balancing Sessions and/or Energy Healing Sessions) you understand and agree that your results are directly proportionate to your energetic frequency levels, your level of focus on the materials or processes, your mindset, and your attitude concerning these modalities. Dr. Mitzi Collins makes no medical diagnosis at any time, for any reason, concerning any individual. We suggest that you contact your natural health practitioner, if you have any concerns about your health.